
Organ transplantation and the soul

Organ transplantation and the soul

From a rational mind accustomed to linear-sequential thinking, called logical, the issue of organ transplantation falls within a common practice in order to save physical lives. For a long time, publicity campaigns have been carried out to raise awareness among the...

LOVE: As we love, so we are loved

LOVE: As we love, so we are loved

It is curious how we understand that great unknown that is love. Much has been said and much is said about it. We dare to categorise it and even subdivide it according to who it is addressed to and where it comes from. We distinguish between three large groups of...

I AM, therefore I think

I AM, therefore I think

The famous philosopher and mathematician René Descartes coined the phrase: "I think, therefore I am" in the 16th century. We must reflect on this in order to understand from what point of cosmology in human thought this phrase is situated as a maxim of understanding....